2019 Conference
Please mark your calendars for the 35th Annual F&ES Research Conference, which will take place on April 11-12th, 2019. The Research Conference is our yearly opportunity to showcase the diverse, multidisciplinary research conducted at F&ES.
Presentation slots have now been sent to all participants. Please complete your participant profile and make edits to your abstracts by March 8th.
The mission of the Annual F&ES Research Conference is to provide a forum for research degree students and postdocs to share their original work with the F&ES community, as well as with the broader Yale and New Haven communities. After the success of last year's partnership with Yale Pathways to Science, we will again open conference attendance to local high school students and host events emphasizing research communication. Our aim is for the conference to facilitate interdisciplinary communication and collaboration both within the School and beyond the walls of Kroon.
Keynote Speakers
Please visit our 2019 Keynote Speaker profiles to find out more about this year's keynote speakers.